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Technical service

Technical service at KNDS Deutschland

Logistics options for every usage and mission profile with tailor-made support – even for third-party products

KNDS Deutschland is Europe’s leading provider of on-site services for military vehicles, training systems and civilian simulators. The company supports more than 6,000 systems in over 22 countries – even in missions in crisis zones.

The services required can be put together as needed from a modular portfolio, all the way up to all-round supply. The goal is to provide the customer with optimal support at any time and place in order to ensure maximum system availability.

PRODUCT features

  • Routine maintenance

    Servicing and component repair

  • Telemaintenance

    Competent advice at any time and technical support via remote diagnostics.

  • On-site support

    All-round service from preparation and trouble-shooting to follow-up work with guaranteed availability.

  • Mission support

    Comprehensive support in crisis zones by integrating our specialists in the deployment zone.

  • Operator models

    Technical support and professional operation of training and repair systems from a single source.

Benefits of technical service

  • Flexible: Offers logistics options for every usage and mission profile
  • Active: Ensures high system availability
  • Economical: Offers logistics solutions through demonstrable benefits