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Integrated Logistic Maintenance Equipment

Integrated Logistic Maintenance Equipment

Integrated Logistic Maintenance Equipment

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Maintenance and repair are absolutely necessary tasks to ensure the availability of all weapon systems. These tasks represent an ever increasing challenge due to the complexity and diversity of modern systems. Efficient access to all relevant information on a specific maintenance or repair task from the pool of all available information plays a decisive role for the repairer.

Product features

  • Structural framework

    Coordination, presentation and administration of all integrated software applications: SEM-NET (SEM-NET), expert system (TE-XPS), 3D browser/VR/AR (3-D/VR/AR), connection plan tool (VPT)

  • Semantic network (SEM-NET)

    Formal model of concepts and their inter-relationship in the logical networking of information in data pools. SEM-NET executes search tasks by means of a semantic search engine.

  • Expert system (TE-XPS)

    Guides the repairer step by step through the diagnosis of a weapon system. The instructions are supported by VR/AR animations, the TE-XPS is intended to facilitate error localisation.

  • 3D/virtual/augmented reality (3D/VR/AR)

    Visualisation in various applications: the 3D information must be detailed down to the MES2 level in order to display instructions for action and for the visual search for components.

  • Connection plan tool (VPT)

    The Connection Plan Tool (VPT) can automatically create interactive connection plans based on information from TE-XPS. These show the wiring of the modules.

  • Hardware

    Measuring adapter set, Maintenance Computer Hardware (MCH), Transport and Storage Container (T&LB)


Maintenance and repair are absolutely necessary tasks to ensure the availability of all weapon systems. These tasks represent an ever increasing challenge due to the complexity and diversity of modern systems. Efficient access to all relevant information on a problem plays a decisive role for repairers. This information exists in various formats, such as technical service regulations, circuit or hydraulic diagrams, diagnostic databases, spare parts catalogues, 3D models and other media.

In the past, this information was accessed via independent, unlinked applications. Conventional research mechanisms cannot establish a topical link between various media, e.g. between textual and non-textual content. As a result, the repairer is not able to consistently access and navigate through all the information related to a problem. This makes maintenance and repairs time-consuming and prone to errors.

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Integrated Logistic Maintenance Equipment (ILME) is customised using modules in order to best meet the respective maintenance and repair tasks. This makes it possible to integrate existing applications, measuring and testing equipment or special tools. Furthermore, a wide range of ready-to-use standard modules are available.

Product specification of armored driver's cabs

Integrated Logistic Maintenance Equipment represents a modern holistic integration platform to support maintenance and repair work.

The complete maintenance and repair process is supported as required by modules that can be integrated. This leads to a number of significant improvements in maintenance and repair.

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  • Time saving through shortened training time, faster troubleshooting and targeted information research.
  • Reduction of costs through cross-functional usability, reduction of the spare parts circulation supply and faster and more flexible repair.
  • Quality improvement through better fault diagnosis, which also allows fault localisation in software-controlled systems thus preventing wrong actions.
  • Increased system availability through significantly faster and qualitatively superior fault diagnosis

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