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CAESAR® Firing Bench
The CAESAR® 6x6 FIRING BENCH allows a complete training session of the entire crew. They will be able to play several firing scenarios and will have a intensive training (drill).
It consists of a physical scale 1 CAESAR®, ammunitions mock-up (real weight) and trainer workstations.
Developed with the French MoD, this simulator, connected to fire control system ATLAS, is representative in terms of timing for loading sequence and real man-machine interfaces.
- Physical scale 1 CAESAR® (simplified and ergonomic representation),
- Collaborative crew training: coordination of 5 learners,
- Drill: trainees can repeat gestures and operations in a safe environment,
- Faulty mode available through the trainer workstation.
- Training without any vehicle and without the consumption of CAESAR ® real ammunitions,
- Competitive maintenance cost versus maintenance of the real vehicle (hour of use),
- Reduction of the damage and break-in of the real equipment,
- Increase of the safety reflexes (human factor).