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Blended Training
KNDS France offers modular and à la carte training programmes to help customers to get to grips with and maintain the skills required to use and maintain our systems.
- Initial distance learning part: all the theory is done remotely (e-learning) using a variety of modules (videos, 3D simulation, etc.)
Can be used for refresher training,
Organised in modules for "A la carte" consultation,
Assessments with SCM, QCU, drag & drop, true / false, etc.
The assessment of the therocial part ensures the effectiveness of the practical part.
- Practical face-to-face part (focused on practice)
- Tools to facilitate organization, follow-up and learning
KNDS' added value
- Technical expertise of all KNDS products,
- Presence of technical assistants on the customer's premises whose feedbacks are taken into account,
- Pedagogical expertise:
Proposing a training plan tailord to the profile of the trainees (instructor / user / maintainer)
Delivering a comprehensive training plan to support their skills development during the deployment of the equipment and beyond.

Tools to encourage autonomy
- Distribution of e-learning content,
- Monitoring of learners,
- Creation of assessments,
- Directly over the Internet on the KNDS server,
- Local, in "on premise" mode.
Viewer 3D by KNDS®
- Educational tool that provides dynamic teaining materials,
- 3D representation of the equipment with all necessary information, 4Animations to show mechanims and functions,
- The editor can be used to add content,
- Increased attention / motivation for both traineed and instructor.