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FINDMP® is a digital system supporting tactical decision making process for operational engagement and training purposes. This system is dedicated to command post up to division level, assisting them from mission-brief to rehearsal and courses of action confrontation.


  • FINDMP® merges the methods of the traditional ROC (Rehearsal of Conduct) drill process and features of Command & Control system, allowing:
    • Geographic technical and tactical analysis,
    • Tactical situation analysis,
    • COA comparison and confrontation,
    • Operational orders conception.
  • Integrating most common maps types (2D/3D),
  • Including powerful geographical information system (GIS) and tactical editor,
  • Including a constructive simulation, with a computer generated forces (CGF) reproducing tactical unit behaviours,
  • Interface with most of battle management systems (BMS).


  • Easy to deploy on different types and sizes of media,
  • Enhancing the understanding of the tactical situation during action,
  • Easing and speeding up decision process and fosters collaborative work between commanders and subordinates,
  • Developing and training decision-making individual and collective skills.
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