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Tactical Crew Trainer
The Tactical Crew Trainer is a simulator, which can be deployed in both operational units and training centers dedicated to crews (including pilots, gunners and commanders) for operational training.
- Very realistic and immersive solution, in wich control and firing handles, displays, are integrated either as original parts, each time it is possible, or as high-fidelity replicas,
- Simulators are also interoperable with a BMS,
- Each training system is managed from an Instructor Operator Station (IOS),
- Allows networking for platoon level training,
- The Tactical Crew Trainer is also equipped with exercice control (EXCON), exercice creation (EXCRE) and after action review (AAR) tools.
- Developed from a KNDS France simulation software, interoperable with most of simulation engines, for an optimized and individualized training and a tactical procedures application,
- Tactical situational realism,
- Acquisition of technical or tactical, individual or collective skills.