KELI-E (KC20 Element Léger d'Intervention électrique / KC20 Light Electrical Intervention Unit) is a deployable maintenance workshop designed to support the progression of forces during operational theatre opening phases or on liaison routes.
It can be transported by any STANAG 2413 logistics carrier.
Discover KELI-e
In the absence of infrastructure (flat, concreted ground), the KELI-e can:
- Enable a vehicle to be safely jacked up,
- Provide, in a short space of time, a work platform sufficient to carry out repairs designed to restore a vehicle's major functions.
When the vehicle is on the platform, the majority of maintenance tasks can be carried out since the necessary components (spare parts, large tools and ingredients) come with the KELI-e in dedicated KC20s.
The ability to jack up the vehicle optimises downtime during preventive maintenance operations.
Thanks to the presence of cranes, the vehicle can be put into mission configuration by installing operational adaptation kits such as turrets and over-shields.
Key features
KC20 High cube (ISO668: 6,058 x 2,438 x 2,896) Mass < 15T
Work Area
6.75m x 10.5m
4T near the crane, 1.5T on the rest of the surface
40-tonne vehicles with 7.3m wheelbase, Lifting by 4 columns of 8.5T (32T) limited to vehicles of 5.4m wheelbase,
Onboard means
4 lifting columns, Batch of SCORPION tools, 12T stanchions, Pallet truck.
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