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RapidFire Naval

RapidFire Naval

The RapidFire Naval is the Anti-Air & Anti-Surface Defense gun system already sea proven.

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Thanks to its powerful and accurate gun and optronic Fire-Control System (FCS), RapidFire Naval is an autonomous or centralised system.

Designed to counter massive attacks performed with simultaneous heterogeneous air and ground threats:

  • Air targets: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), loitering munitions, helicopters, Fighters Ground Attack (FGA), cruise missiles, RAM, etc.
  • Surface targets: Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), Fast Patrol Boats (FPB), Fast Inshore Attack Craft (FIAC), sea-skimming missiles, etc.

Adapted to control missions (police, antipiracy, anti-trafficking,…) through warning shot firing capability and to self-defence mission even when docked or moored.

In-service in French Navy, the RapidFire Naval system integrates: optronic Fire-Control System (FCS), remote controlled turret including gyro-stabilised 40 CTAS (Cased Telescoped Armament System), operator firing console, ammunition.

Fire Control System

Dedicated tracking and firing algorithms High performance gyro-stabilised optronic sight head: infrared, daylight and laser range finder Optronics enable: Visual identification Target tracking Real-time neutralisation assessment

Effective range

Up to 4000m

Drag Adapted to target

Air and ground defence capabilities with real-time selectable ammunition: Drag 1. Anti-Aerial Air Burst (A3B) integrating hundreds of tungsten pellets Drag 2. Two types of fused High Explosive General Purpose Round (GPR) ammunition: Drag - Point Detonating (PD) Drag - Air Burst (AB) Drag 3. Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) against armoured vehicle penetrates >140mm Drag Homogeneous Armour at 1500m Drag 4. Target Practice (TP)

Precision and high firepower

  • High firing precision for an unequalled Probability of Kill (PK) thanks to sensor/effector colocalisation
  • Cost effective engagement (few rounds per target neutralisation)
  • The power of a 40mm system with the high compactness of 40 CTAS
  • Firing rate up to 200 rounds/min
  • 70 ready rounds in the turret (volume for up to 140 ready rounds)

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Fast into action

  • Day and night operation
  • Short reaction time from target detection to firing
  • Automatic firing proposition upon threat detection
  • Highly automated: man-in-the-loop only for weapon engagement and firing order
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Centralised or autonomous mode

  • Centralised mode: reception of Target Designation (TD) through the Combat Management System (CMS)
  • Autonomous mode without any CMS connection
  • Equal firing performances in centralised or autonomous mode
  • Only one operator for target identification, weapon engagement and firing
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Related products to the RapidFire Naval

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