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KNDS CBRN addresses each thorough decontamination application: vehicles, aircrafts, infrastructures, equipment and personnel.

The uniqueness of the KNDS CBRN systems lies in not being limited to a decontamination solution. Most of the solutions available on the market can be used, regardless of the manufacturer.

Each decontamination system can be equipped with a Chemical Pack capable of preparing an automatic dosage, regardless of the preparation method (liquid and/or powder concentrates, multi-component mixing, dilution).

The spraying can then be liquid or foam type.

XS-01 – Light decontamination unit

The XS-01 is an autonomous, compact decontamination unit powered by diesel. It is designed to fit easily and without modification in the back of a pickup truck or on a flatbed trailer. It can be operated by 1 or 2 personnel to conduct CBRN decontamination operations on vehicles, equipment or infrastructures.

It is quick to deploy and easy to use. Enough water and decontamination solution are carried for an urgent response following a CBRN incident.

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S-04 – Aircraft decontamination unit

The S-04 system is designed for CBRN decontamination of aircrafts (fix wings and rotary wings).

It is equipped with an elevating cherry-picker platform that extends up toe 14 meters. It is operated by 2 personnel, one driving the vehicle and the other in the cherry-picker.

The S-04V version maintains a standard vehicle architecture and can be loaded into an A400M transport aircraft.

The S-04F version has a lowered vehicle architecture to allow compatibility with loading into a Hercule C130 transport aircraft.

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S-04 V

S-04 F

M-01 - Vehicle complete decontamination unit

The M-01 system is a decontamination unit mounted on a truck.

It can be operated by 3 personnel to conduct CBRN decontamination operations on vehicles, equipment or infrastructure.

Its initial water and decontamination solution capacity allows the processing of 3 vehicles with complete supply autonomy.

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Road ramp

T° preservation

Automated dosing

L-01 – Heavy decontamination unit

The L-01 system is an autonomous heavy decontamination unit. It is designed to be mounted on a 20 feet skid or flatbed truck.

It can be operated by 2 to 6 personnel to conduct CBRN decontamination operations on vehicles, equipment or infrastructure up to 13 meters height.

L-01 is quickly deployed and withdrawn. Its initial water and decontamination solution capacity allows the processing of more than 4 vehicles with complete supply autonomy.

The water tank can be refilled using an integrated pump.

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Related products to the BOXER Ambulance

You will find many other products from KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG to accompany this one, which are associated with the product illustrated.