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KNDS CBRN produces air filtration systems designed to equip armoured vehicles, mobile shelters and tactical tents.
These systems ensure personnel protection by providing a supply of air filtered from any CBRN threats or any Tear Gas irritants.
Air Filtration Systems for Armoured Vehicle
KNDS CBRN Air Filtration Systems create a toxic-free area inside the Vehicle cabin by filtering air drawn from outside. The area is kept in overpressure to prevent any toxic or tear-gas from entering the vehicle.
Each system is integrated into the vehicle and ensures air renewal for the crew members. A control panel allows the system monitoring and includes an alarm in case of malfunction.
The capacity of the Air Filtration System depends on the number of people to be protected.
All KNDS CBRN systems have been designed in compliance with NATO AEP-7 Edition 5 principles.

AFU 90
AFU 170
Air Filtration Systems for Shelters
KNDS CBRN Air Filtration Systems create a toxic-free area inside the Shelter by filtering air drawn from outside. The area is kept in overpressure to prevent any toxic or tear-gas from entering the Shelter.
Each system is integrated into the Shelter and ensures air renewal for the inhabitants. A control panel allows the system monitoring and includes an alarm in case of malfunction.
The capacity of the Air Filtration System depends on the number of people to be protected.
All KNDS CBRN systems have been designed in compliance with NATO AEP-7 Edition 5 principles.

AFU 90
AFU 170
AFU 300
Air Filtration Systems for Tactical Tent
KNDS CBRN Air Filtration Systems create a toxic-free area inside the Tactical Tent by filtering air drawn from outside. The area is kept in overpressure to prevent any toxic from entering the Tent.
Each system is a mobile standalone equipment connected to the Tactical Tent. It ensures air renewal for the inhabitants. A control panel allows the system monitoring and includes an alarm in case of malfunction. The system features an automatic airflow/pression control.
The capacity of the Air Filtration System depends on the number of people to be protected.
All KNDS CBRN systems have been designed in compliance with NATO AEP-7 Edition 5 principles.

AFU 300
AFU 600
NBC & Particles filters
KNDS CBRN offers a wide range of Filters to be used with its air filtration systems.
Dust filters are intended for peacetime use. NBC combined filters are designed for CBRN filtration that meets NATO AEP-54 Standards. Tear Gas filters are intended for filtration during law enforcement operations.
FAP 90 - Particles
FAP 170 - Particles
NBC 90 (FMM4) - Combined
NBC 170 - Combined
NBC 300 (FMM7) - Combined
LAC 70 – Tear Gas
LAC 170 – Tear Gas
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