High firepower
The 155mm/L52 PzH 2000 gun is state-of-the-art, in line with the Joint Ballistics Memorandum of Understanding (JBMOU) and currently boasts a range of approx. 54 km (depending on ammunition).
The truck-mounted AGM combines the firepower of the automatic and remote-controllable AGM artillery gun module (155mm/L52 gun) with the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of a suitable 40 t military truck of the user’s choice.
Depiction of system components for integration on a military 40 t truck.
155 mm/L52 main gun (JBMoU-compatible)
9 rounds per minute
Azimuth: 360° (+/- 200°) with up to 6 charges Elevation: From - 2.5° to + 65° (- 45 mil to + 1.150 mil)
Depending on the combination of projectile, charge and ignition e.g. up to 40 km with base-bleed; up to 54 km with V-LAP greater combat ranges possible depending on ammunition, e.g. VULCANO, EXCALIBUR
30 primed projectiles/144 modular charges (direct access)
Inductive programming during the charging process
Optional remote-controllable weapon station
Optionally available with optronics or remote-controllable weapon station
< 39.0 t
2-3 persons
The dimensions, total weight, engine performance, protection level and maximum speed and range depend on the chosen MOTS truck.
The synthesis of the time-tested NATO-JBMoU 155mm/L52 main gun and the unmanned AGM on MOTS truck chassis results in a unique level of artillery effectiveness with a present range of up to 54 km through 360° azimuth and all charge and elevation ranges.
Developed and refined from joint operations, the complete autonomy of the overall system in command, navigation and fire control, as well as its system-inherent stability open up entirely new mission options (such as firing on moving targets, encampment defense, shooting on the move etc.).
Thanks to the truck-mounted AGM’s network-based system architecture, it will also be possible to implement autonomous driving and action (remote-controlled) in the future.
The fire control system and ammunition matrix support already introduced as well as future NATO ammunition types (JBMOU-compatible).
These special characteristics make the truck-mounted AGM the world’s most future-oriented barreled artillery system.
The 155mm/L52 PzH 2000 gun is state-of-the-art, in line with the Joint Ballistics Memorandum of Understanding (JBMOU) and currently boasts a range of approx. 54 km (depending on ammunition).
Unmanned, fully automatic AGM artillery gun module
Artillery platform with adaptation for AGM artillery gun module for 360° azimuth performance
Integration example: Iveco Trakker chassis with armored driver’s cab
Truck chassis with utility compartment for hydraulic support and optional APU
You will find many other products from KNDS Deutschland to accompany this one, which are associated with the product illustrated.