RCH 155
RCH 155 – One of the world’s most advanced barrelled artillery systems
The new protected howitzer RCH 155 (Remote Controlled Howitzer 155mm) combines the fire power and range of the automatic and remote-controlled Artillery Gun Module (AGM) with the protection and mobility of the combat proven BOXER wheeled armoured vehicle.
The RCH 155 is a combination of automated artillery firepower and protected wheeled mobility.

A large ammunition stowage and rapid replenishment, the stable gun platform, maximum aiming accuracy and precision, ammunition autoloader, combined with autonomy in navigation and fire control make the RCH 155 the new standard for modern wheeled tube artillery.
PRODUCT features
Primary armament
155mm/L52 main gun (JBMoU-compatible)
Rate of fire
> 8 rounds per minute
Laying range
Laying range Azimuth: 360° (+/- 220°) with up to 6 charges without support legs Elevation: from - 2.5° to + 65° (- 45 mil to + 1.150 mil)
Combat range
Depending on the combination of projectile, charge and fuze e. g. up to 40 km with base-bleed; up to 54 km with V-LAP, longer combat ranges possible depending on ammunition, e. g. VULCANO, EXCALIBUR
Ammunition supply
30 fuzed projectiles/144 modular charges
Fuze programming
Inductive programming during the ramming process
Secondary armament
Optional remote-controlled weapon station/Multi-Purpose Grenade Launcher
Direct laying
Optional Optionally available with optronics or remote-controlled weapon station
Combat weight
< 40.0 t (metric)
Dimensions (LxWxH)
10,50 m / 2,99 m / 3,61 m
Engine performance
up to 600 kW / 815 HP
> 100 km/h (road)
> 700 km/h (road)
System characteristics RCH 155
- Superior combat range (currently < 54 km) and large battlefield coverage thanks to the 155mm/L52 gun
- Combat load with 30 fuzed projectiles
- Fully automated operation with degraded operating modes
- Fully automated projectile loading system with inductive fuze programming
- Fully automated loading system for modular charges
- Fully automatic electrical gun laying system
- Optional capabilities for direct laying via optronics

- Fire control computer with integrated ballistics calculation and radio data transmission to an artillery control system of customers choice
- High-precision navigation system, with or without GPS support
- Optional 360° self-protection with remote controlled weapon station and smoke grenade launching system
- NBC protection and ventilation system
- Cooling and heating system for AGM and crew
- Automatic fire detection and extinguishing system in power pack compartment and a fire supression system for the crew compartment
- Built-in test equipment system (BITE)

RCH 155 – The key element for future joint fire operations
Increased protection for the crew by separating the crew compartment and operator stations from ammunition stowage and handling while retaining the artillery capabilities of the PzH 2000.
Facts about the RCH 155
Maximum fully automated artillery efficiency and network-based system architecture with great potential for enhancement
The synthesis of the combat proven NATO-JBMoU 155mm/L52 main gun and the unmanned AGM on BOXER chassis results in a unique level of artillery effectiveness with a present range of up to 54 km through 360° azimuth and all zones and elevation angles without requiring support.
Developed and refined from joint fire operations, the complete autonomy of the overall system in command, navigation and fire control, as well as its system-inherent stability open up entirely new mission options (such as firing on moving targets, encampment defence, etc.).
Due to its network-based system architecture, the RCH 155 will also be capable of future fully autonomous driving and firing.
The fire control systems ammunition matrix supports already introduced as well as future JBMOU-compatible ammunition types .
These characteristics make the RCH 155 the world’s most future-oriented tube artillery system.
Heavily armoured crew compartment for a two-person crew
High firepower
The 155mm/L52 PzH 2000 gun is state-of-the-art, in line with the Joint Ballistics Memorandum of Understanding (JBMOU) and currently boasts a range of approx. 54 km (depending on ammunition).
Unmanned, fully automatic AGM artillery gun module©
Maximum mobility on and off the road
The RCH 155 in the endurance test
One of the most modern barreled artillery systems in the world
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